School Grounds Workshops


Through hands-on, outdoor workshops taught by NCMNS staff at your site, 教育工作者探索大自然的奇迹,并在使用户外作为教学资源时增加他们的舒适度. 研讨会的重点是您和您的学生探索门外自然资源的方法. We employ observation-based activities, nature journaling, and/or citizen science to discover the wonders of trees, 错误, 鸟, 花, animal tracks and signs, ponds and streams, 和更多的. Workshops are customized to your topics of interest, time, and budget.

人: Groups of up to 24 educators (school faculty, nature center staff or other educator cohorts); minimum of eight. 教育工作者 of all grade levels and in any subject area are welcome, 只要他们有兴趣在教学中使用户外活动!

当: 一年中的任何时间,至少提前6周安排,视情况而定. We can provide one workshop or a series of workshops.

持续时间: 根据您的日程安排和兴趣,研讨会的长度可以从2全球最大彩票网站排名到8全球最大彩票网站排名以上.

地点: We serve the entire state of North Carolina! 讲习班可以在你的学校场地或在北卡罗莱纳州的任何地方的当地自然区域进行.

成本: Starting at $100. 工作坊费用用于提供学习材料以支持工作坊内容. Depending on available funding and your interests, we will customize a budget to provide as many resources as possible!

Interested? Fill out our Interest Form and we’ll get in touch within two weeks!

Need a better idea of what we might be able to provide? Check out some examples below…

Workshop Examples

Schoolyard Ecologyall grades
Through hands-on explorations, 你会熟悉一些在你的校园和后院发现的常见物种! 从生长在栅栏线上的原生树木到隐藏在腐烂原木下的节肢动物,再到生长在人行道裂缝中的杂草——总有一些东西值得探索. 这个话题在整个学年的一系列研讨会中都很有效, allowing us to explore the timing of nature across the seasons.

Building Keen Observersall grades
我们很容易忘记,观察是一种需要教授和练习的技能! In this workshop, 你将提高你的观察能力,同时学习为你的学生做同样的事情的技巧. This topic works well alone or at the start of a workshop series.

Nature and Science Journalingbest for grades 3 and up
在自然杂志或科学笔记本上记录观察结果可以让我们更多地注意到我们周围的世界,并为深入学习奠定基础. 这不是要拍一张漂亮的照片——如果我们能从中学到一些东西,一篇自然杂志的文章是非常棒的. 我们将着重于用图画、文字和数字以有意义的方式记录信息. 这个主题可以作为一个独立的研讨会提供,也可以在一个系列的多个研讨会中提供.

Loose Parts Nature Explorationbest for grades Pre-K–2
学习如何激发孩子对大自然的好奇心. 我们将探讨与幼儿一起使用松散部件的好处,以促进早期准备技能的发展. 活动以自然物体为中心,如树枝、石头和松果(以及更多)!). We may count, 堆栈, make shapes, 探索纹理,通过观察从新的角度观察和操纵熟悉的物体, discussion and active engagement.

Students as Scientistsbest for grades 4 and up
了解你和你的学生如何为科学研究做出贡献! 我们将探索包括iNaturalist在内的多个公民科学项目, eBird, Lost Ladybug, Nature’s Notebook or others. 学习 how to collect and report data, 以及你和你的学生可以从其他公民科学家那里获得哪些信息.

Habitat Creationall grades
If, after participating in one or more of our workshops, 你发现你想加强你的校园作为野生动物和学习的地方, we can work with you to develop and implement a plan. 我们可以帮助您和您的学生创建一个本地植物花园来吸引蝴蝶和其他传粉昆虫, a mini-pond for aquatic plants and critters, or work with you on other areas of interest. Note that this will require a bit of sweat equity and preparation, but we can provide advice and some of the materials needed!

UTOTES (Using the Outdoors to Teach Experiential Science)best for K–5
这个长期的NCMNS项目在一学年的六个课程中包含了上述所有主题(除了松散部分). Starting with a site visit to meet with a leadership team, we conduct four workshops for staff across the seasons, 最终在学生的帮助下安装了一个小型栖息地项目.

Examples of 学习ing Materials Provided
  • Class sets of magnifiers and bug boxes.
  • Sampling equipment like insect nets or aquatic nets.
  • Kid-friendly field guides for common schoolyard species.
  • 活动讲义、工作表和补充信息(有些可能以数字方式提供).
  • Nature-themed storybooks.
  • Native plants for gardens/ponds.
  • Nature journals for participating educators.

Sample Budgets

These examples are just for reference; actual budget and materials will be based upon your interests, resource availability and your funds.

  • $100 — Workshop instruction, digital materials.
    Example: Trees. Digital copies of tree-related activities like tree identification, leaf drawing, and tree poetry; digital field guides to “Common Schoolyard Trees and Common Forest Trees of North Carolina.”
  • $400 -以上材料,加上职业放大镜和bug盒(各36个).
  • $800 — Above materials, 加上1-2个主题的实地指南和设备(学生实地指南5份), 1 copy of reference field guides, simple sampling gear like nets.)
    Example: Invertebrates. Five sweep nets, 1 aerial net, 5 white sheets/tablecloths, 5 “Golden Guides to Insects,” “5 Golden Guides to Spiders,” 1 “Field Guide to North American Insects.”
  • $1100 -上述材料,以及第二和/或第三个主题的现场指南和设备.
    Example: Birds. Bluebird box and poles, bird feeder, 5 copies of “Peterson First Guide to Birds,” 1 copy of “Peterson Birds of Eastern North America,” 5 plush 鸟 that play calls, children’s book about 鸟, bird identification posters.
  • $1400 -上述材料,加上第三和/或第四个主题的现场指南和设备.
    Example: Pond exploration and 花. Five sets of sampling gear (nets, pans, trays, etc.), 5 “Golden Guides to Pond Critters,” 5 “Guides to Life in Vernal Pools,《全球最大彩票网站排名》,” 5 “Golden Guides to Weeds,” 1 “Newcomb’s Field Guide to Wild花,” 花 for dissection at workshop.
  • $2000 -上述材料加上用于独立栖息地安装的用品(不包括大型或难以运输的物品,如表土), mulch or construction materials; we advise on construction materials, 但这类物品需要学校通过捐赠或在当地购买的方式提供。.
    Example: Minipond. Pre-formed pond liner, aquatic plants, 锅, mosquito dunks, thermometer, dechlorinator; school provides site prep, mulch and flat stones for edging (optional but recommended).
  • $2000+ — With larger budgets, 我们可以考虑更贵的东西,比如一套双筒望远镜(约4000美元)。, a class set of ground chairs (~$1200), 每个参与者的个人材料(根据参与者的数量和所需材料的类型而变化).
